Wednesday, 21 May 2008

why are people grudgeful?

last day pranks: the ultimate in middle class teenage ungratefulness? i think the whole idea of last days pranks is a pretty spoilt one; essentially, one of 'i've got all i need from you and you cant punish me anymore, so now i'm going to show you how much i actually dislike you/ruin something/upset you in whatever way is most effective and hilarious for my friends'.

clearly, all teachers want from a last day is to see their students leave and go into the world as mature, responsible people that they've had a hand in creating. and to spray graffiti, get drunk, vandalise in general or personally insult a teacher not only flys in the face of that, but specifically and deliberately upsets the very people we owe everything to.

hating your parents and teachers is such a typically middle class thing to do. its an attitude born of not appreciating what you have. schools give so much for so little return and i think the whole idea of getting out of control on the last day is essentially just saying 'whatever, fuck you anyway' in return.

they wont have the last laugh.


James said...

they deserve it lol!!!

Anonymous said...

i think exactly the same thing. our year was quite respectful. the mini prank caused no damage or offence, whereas just vandalising the common room with water was ridiculous

Anonymous said...

wouldn't say the mini was respectful.
you've got to remember essentially you wheeled a tank of petrol and oil into a confined non ventilated space. the room very easily filled with petrol fumes (petroleum is evaporates very easily hence why you you cant smoke at a petrol station) you could smell it and could have very easily been ignited.

and damage wise you damaged the carpet.

it was a a bit classier than trashing the common room but far more dangerous and just as spiteful


Anonymous said...

i agree the mini was dangerous, but i think it was meant respectfully. it just hadn't really occured to anyone that it would be that dangerous and nobody considered that it would harm the staff. any damage it did do was accidental, whereas the only amusement that would come out of trashing the common room is how much it puts the staff, particularly the cleaning staff, out.

the mini certainly wasn't spiteful. i wasn't part of the organising, but i suspect the people that were did it entirely for people's amusement and thought the staff would find it as funny as the students.

stupid, not spiteful.

technicalities said...

Someone once put powdered glass on doorknobs at our school for Muck Up Day. I blame that violent music and atomic fireballs.

It definitely doesn't have to be cruel or juvenile in a bad way (most of our middle class kids were too fearful to do much on the day anyway)

I'm still proud of mine: even the spraypaint was thoughtful.!/scumbaggav/media_set?set=a.1019058554198.2003624.1157170062&type=3